What Is a Top-Quality Translation?
A good technical/legal translation is crafted by a professional native speaker of the target language. It includes proper idioms, correct terminology, and is culturally modified to suit the intended audience.
Global Languages and Cultures, Inc's technical and legal translators provide our clients with top quality translations in all languages, covering a multitude of areas of expertise.
Contact us for a free estimate of your translation projects.
Web Site Localization
Multilingual Web Sites are a cost-effective and powerful way to unleash the true international potential of the World Wide Web. Non-English speaking Internet users appreciate the companies who talk to them in their own language, and remember them when they make their purchasing decisions.
5 Tips for Developing Web Pages for International Audiences
Allow sufficient space for text swelling
Leaving adequate white space in the English design is necessary to accommodate the 25-30% expansion that is typical for most European languages.
Design graphics in layers
Your translation service provider can localize graphics cost-effectively if they are created in layers.
Write culturally-neutral text
International audiences may not understand references made to cultural elements unique to the US.
Evaluate interactive components
Interactive components such as search engines should be designed to process characters not included in the standard English alphabet.
Develop a Maintenance Strategy
Updating all languages simultaneously is crucial, especially if the site contains time-sensitive data such as price information or promotional product announcement.
Contact us for a free copy of our Smart Designer's Guide to Multilingual Web Sites©.
Software Localization
This is an excerpt from Smart Developer's Guide to Software Localization. Please contact us for your free copy.
Localization is the process of translating and adapting the user interface, on-line help files, tutorials, printed documentation, and marketing materials of a software or multimedia product for the foreign markets.
4 Tips for Developing Easily Localizable Applications
Allow space for text swelling
As the foreign language text may expand up to 30% leave extra space for strings and use large string buffers.
Place all text in external resource files and avoid hard coding
Avoid embedding text or graphics inside a code segment. Placing all user interface strings in RC files simplifies translation and code updates.
Beware of string concatenations.
Concatenated strings and strings with two or more variables may violate gender variation and plural rules in the target language, resulting in incomprehensible sentences.
Prepare a localization kit
The localization kit should include RC, RTF, HPJ, CNT, graphic, HH files, and extraneous DLLs. Your translation company should also know the make and version of the compiler you have used. If the localization project also involves translation of manuals, print-outs and electronic copies of the manuals and marketing materials will be necessary.
Multimedia Localization
Multimedia localization projects involve multiple components including transcripts, video, sound, on-line help, graphics and animation. Global Languages and Cultures, Inc. (GLC) delivers turnkey products that include high-quality narration by native-speaking voice talents, cultural evaluation, studio work, translation and layout. Thanks to the advancements in technology, long-distance recording over ISDN lines is now possible. This not only facilitates access to world’s best voice-over talents but also cuts down the turn-around times and costs.
Multimedia localization tends to be more complicated than software localization as it involves more people who have been working on different parts of the project. Also, the number and the variety of files in the same project add to the challenge. The key to success is planning ahead and establishing good communication with the localization vendor before the project starts.
Experienced GLC project managers meet with the client contacts at the onset of the project to better understand expectations, establish milestones and draft a project plan.
Please contact us to discuss your next multimedia localization project.
Interpretation is the oral form of translation from one language into another.
The expert technical, medical and legal interpreters of Global Languages and Cultures, Inc. are ready to serve your different type of interpretation needs in Chicago and all across the world.
Simultaneous Interpretation
The interpreter, who is located in a sound-proof booth communicates via headphones and radio link and interprets the speech as it is being delivered. This form of interpretation, which requires sophisticated equipment and specially trained interpreters, saves time and is generally used in multi-national conferences and live telecasts. Global Languages and Cultures, Inc. has proudly provided simultaneous Spanish interpretation services for NBC Canal Noticias during the 1996 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Consecutive Interpretation
The interpreter waits until the speaker is finished before interpreting to another language. This form of interpretation is common at informal gatherings, small business meetings, telephone interpretations, and legal depositions.
Global Languages & Cultures, Inc., also provides experienced escort interpreters to facilitate the communication needs of your visitors from abroad.
Our interpreters are at your service for the following occasions:
Business Meetings
IVRS (Interactive Voice Response Systems)
Contract Negotiations, Legal Interpretations, Patent Cases
Court Sessions, Depositions
Trade Shows
Press Visits
International Telephone Conversations
Multinational Conferences
Product Demonstrations
Training Sessions